
Strategic Plan

Following six months of listening, learning, reflecting, and dreaming together, Little Rock Peace for Palestine is thrilled to share our 2024-2026 Strategic Plan with our community.

Read the Strategic Plan

As we embark on this next step in our journey together, we are strengthened by the last year of partnerships and political action we have invested in to build a new future for Palestinians. Through this collective work, Little Rock Peace for Palestine has witnessed the commitment of our community to advance our shared values of justice and we have also experienced the deep challenges and obstacles in our way. It is precisely both realities that drove us to embark on this strategic plan.

Attend a Town Hall

We are hosting three virtual Town Hall discussions with our community covering:

  • How the strategic plan creates a new membership and organizing model, improves opportunities for leadership and skill-building, and creates more opportunities for building cross-soliday relationships and learning across the state.

  • A new legislative campaign on divesting Israel Bonds

  • Stories of impact from volunteers and leaders

Wednesday, October 9 · 6:00-7:30pm

Thursday, October 17 · 12:00-1:30pm

Sunday, October 20 · 2:00-3:30pm

  • This strategic plan defines our organization’s priorities in the form of goals and objectives for the next three years. It is a detailed document that guides our decision-making, political action, and structure.

  • This plan codifies our mission/vision, reach, and organizational capacity by refining our role and approach in the Palestinian liberation movement. Through conversations with our community, we came to a deeper understanding of both our impact and potential. Below is more on how we now define our organizing model.

    Base-Building: Build a base of multi-faith, multi-generational, and multi-racial community based on a shared vision of justice and liberation for Palestine.

    Educate: Raise awareness, develop knowledge, and empower individuals with the information necessary to take action.

    Political Action: Influence policy, shape public opinion, and create tangible change.

    Additionally, this plan:

    • Introduces a membership model for greater capacity to institute local and state-wide change.

    • Invests in more resources for our leaders, including training, workshops, and interfaith learning.

    • Elevates awareness around our existing work.

  • We are in deep gratitude to the 100+ community members and strategic planning committee who participated in our Community Survey, Listening Sessions, and review process.

  • We seek to be a leader-full organization with people of all faiths, identities, abilities, ages, and origins; We want LRPP to reflect the diverse mosaic that makes up our community.

    We have multiple avenues to get involved with LRPP from a supporter, to member, to leader. Check out our membership for more information.

  • We are so happy to hear you want to create a Peace for Palestine in your city. We are always seeking partnerships with others across the state. Reach out to us by emailing littlerockpeaceforpalestine@gmail.com.